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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:16    点击次数:111

艺术与和平—首届国际艺术名家网络双年展(十一) 参展艺术家(排名不分先后) 贾又福,1941年出生在肃宁县农民家庭,1957年肃宁县中学毕业,1960年沧州一中高中毕业考入北京中央美术学院,师承李可染、李苦禅、叶浅予、宗其香、何海霞诸位大先生。现为中国美术家协会会员。其个人作品展览及部分作品,在美国、日本、韩国、英、法、意大利、马来西亚、新加坡等国家博物馆、美术馆展出,在国内多地国家美术馆亦多次展出。 Jia Youfu was born in 1941 into a peasant family in Suning County. He graduated from Suning County High School in 1957 and was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing after graduating from Cangzhou No.1 High School in 1960. He studied under various masters such as Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Ye Qianyu, Zong Qixiang, and He Haixia. I am currently a member of the China Artists Association. His personal works and some of his works have been exhibited in national museums and art galleries in the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, and have also been exhibited multiple times in national art galleries in China. 参展作品 贾又福作品《斜风细雨》 亚历克斯·卡茨(Alex Katz, 1927年7月24日-)美国当代画家,他擅长使用优美、时尚的人物造型和对比鲜明的平涂色彩,作品以新颖、朴素、易于理解而得到广泛认可。 Alex Katz (July 24, 1927-) is an American contemporary painter who excels in using beautiful and fashionable character designs and contrasting flat colors. His works are widely recognized for their novelty, simplicity, and ease of understanding. 参展作品 亚历克斯·卡茨作品 白小乐,男,河北省博野县人。1941年出生,1961年于保定一中髙中毕业,被保送空军炮兵学院,雷达专业毕业;1965年被高教部派往法国巴黎留学,大学本科毕业。中国社会科学院机关党委副书记、院刊主编;欧美同学会总会理事留法分会副秘书长。中国《首批国家级非物质文化遗产》传承人、《新中国传世名家名作金书》授予者、中国国宾礼艺术家、中国书法家协会会员。法国达芬奇艺术博物馆、意大利佛罗伦萨市政厅联合授予《达芬奇囯际艺术终身成就奖》;中国中央电视台栏目组艺术顾问;北京中国书画协会常务理事兼副秘书长;北京龙潭湖地书协会创建人暨首任会长。 自幼喜爱书法艺术,现为文化部国家一级书法师。1953年参加本县小学生写字竞赛,荣获一等奖;80年代参加上海当地书法(画)展,多次获奖;2001年后,应邀参加全国书法(画)大赛、书展、笔会、义卖活动等,获得金奖等各类奖项数十次。2017年被CCTV《中国世纪大采风》组委会授予“中国当代最具影响力书画家”称号。 出版的书籍有:《情系玫瑰泉》、《追梦的人》、《草堂沉思录》、《诗风墨韵——白小乐诗词与书法作品选》。发表的书论有:“书法艺术   国之瑰宝”、“学书在法 其妙在人”、“草书之妙口述难详”、“一门返璞归真的新兴艺术--中华地书风范漫谈”。出版的邮册有:中国邮政《一带一路· 新丝绸之路上的艺术大使--白小乐个人艺术展》、美国集邮《中美杰出华人艺术家--白小乐美国邮册限量珍藏版》等。 Bai Xiaole, male, from Boye County, Hebei Province. Born in 1941, graduated from Baoding No.1 High School in 1961 and was recommended to the Air Force Artillery Academy, majoring in radar; In 1965, he was sent by the Ministry of Higher Education to study in Paris, France and graduated with a bachelor's degree. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Vice Secretary General of the French Branch of the European and American Alumni Association. The inheritor of China's "First Batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage", the recipient of the "Golden Book of Famous Works of New China", the Chinese State Guest Artist, and a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. The Da Vinci Museum of Art in France and the Florence City Hall in Italy jointly awarded the "Da Vinci Lifetime Achievement Award for International Art"; Art consultant for the program team of China Central Television; Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association; Founder and first president of Beijing Longtan Lake Land Book Association. I have loved calligraphy art since childhood and am now a national first-class calligrapher under the Ministry of Culture. In 1953, participated in the handwriting competition for primary school students in this county and won the first prize; Participated in local calligraphy (painting) exhibitions in Shanghai in the 1980s and won multiple awards; Since 2001, I have been invited to participate in national calligraphy (painting) competitions, book fairs, pen fairs, charity sales, and have won dozens of awards such as gold medals. In 2017, he was awarded the title of "China's Most Influential Contemporary Calligrapher and Painter" by the organizing committee of CCTV's "China Century Collection". The published books include: "Love Rose Spring", "Dream Chaser", "Reflections on Caotang", and "Poetic Style and Ink Rhyme - Selected Works of Bai Xiaole's Poetry and Calligraphy". The published book reviews include: "The Treasure of Calligraphy Art in the Country", "Learning Calligraphy in Law and Its Beauty in People", "The Beauty of cursive script is difficult to explain orally", and "A New Art that Returns to Simplicity - A Brief Discussion on the Style of Chinese Earthly Script". The published albums include: China Post's "Art Ambassador of the the Belt and Road · New Silk Road -- Bai Xiaole's Personal Art Exhibition", and the United States stamp collection "Outstanding Chinese Artist in China and the United States -- Bai Xiaole's limited edition of the United States stamp album". 参展作品 白小乐作品《同舟共济太平年》 徐震时,1938年生,上海松江人。 擅长中国画,1965年毕业于中国美术学院,师从国画大师潘天寿、方增先等名家。 历任人民美术出版社编辑、组长、主任、编审,现为华夏国艺书画艺术中心副主任,中华文学院教授,博士生导师,中国美协年画艺委会常务副主任;中国扇子艺术学会常务副会长;中国出版工作者协会年画艺委会主任;中国出版工作者协会摄影艺委会副主任;中国扶贫基金会理事;联合国计划署中国分部华东办事处理事等职务。曾获得连续三届全国年画展筹备者,全国新闻出版系统先进工作者,享受国务院颁发的专家特殊津贴,中意建交文化馆名誉馆长,首批走向国际的华人艺术家,全球最具投资价值与收藏潜力艺术家,联合国文艺宣传大使,法兰西皇家美术学院博士生导师,世界殿堂级艺术家等荣誉。 2008年在北京举办的第29届奥运会,有缘主编金丝楠木装帧233位国画家珍品画册,原中国书协主席沈鹏先生为顾问并为线装图书题名《丹青流芳》。2014年当先为中英艺术交流,被授予“世界文化名人”荣誉称号。2015年获联合国中华文化特殊贡献奖,被授予“联合国中华文化传播大使”荣誉称号。2015年,被聘为瑞典皇家艺术学院荣誉博士,颁发瑞典皇家北极星勋章。2017年,被聘任为英国皇家艺术研究院首届艺术家及高级顾问。英国剑桥市市长授予“大国艺术巨匠”荣誉称号。2018年,被聘任为荷兰皇家艺术学院高级艺术顾问、艺术博士。2019年,被法国文化部聘任为法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士,授予艺术及文学骑士勋章和“世界殿堂级艺术家”荣誉称号。2019年,被聘为法兰西皇家画院终身院士,颁发皇家荣誉勋章。2019年,被意大利罗马画院聘为终身院士、英国皇家艺术研究院院长,被世界文化界联合会授予“世界文艺名家先锋形象大使”荣誉称号。2021年,荣获达芬奇国际艺术金奖。2022年,冬奥会在北京举办,与金家翔、张晓君合作,徐震时执笔的《神州大地》作为嘉奖的礼品制成景德镇瓷品赠送各国贵宾,原作制成影视景观在首都机场国际贵宾通道展出两个多月;荣获联合国和平金鸽奖,并荣获联合国创办的和平美术学院终身名誉副院长;中、日、韩三国联展,被画院授予名誉院长,国家授予“人民艺术家”荣誉称号;和赵幼华合作的获奖年画作品《总理和牧羊女卢菊》,应法国要求,通过国家文旅部复制其作品送给法国卢浮宫展出,提供国际友人欣赏,并授予徐震时终身卢浮宫名誉副馆长;年联合国授予大国荣廷艺术奖金奖,授予联合国和平勋章,同时聘任为联合国文艺宣传大使。中美建交50周年,授予中美文化交流形象大使,世界十大领袖文艺家集荣誉称号;联合国和平艺术金奖并授联合国和平文化特使,世界和平美术学院命任为终生名誉院长。2023年,荣获首届联合国国际艺术节评委奖。 Xu Zhen was born in 1938 in Songjiang, Shanghai. Proficient in Chinese painting, graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1965 and studied under renowned Chinese painting masters such as Pan Tianshou and Fang Zengxian. He has served as an editor, team leader, director, and editor in chief at the People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Currently, he is the deputy director of the Huaxia National Art Calligraphy and Painting Art Center, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Chinese Academy of Literature, and the executive deputy director of the Chinese Artists Association New Year Painting Art Committee; Executive Vice President of the Chinese Fan Art Society; Director of the New Year Painting Art Committee of the China Publishing Workers Association; Deputy Director of the Photography Art Committee of the China Publishing Workers Association; Director of China Poverty Alleviation Foundation; Positions such as Director of the East China Office of the United Nations Programme in China. He has been the organizer of three consecutive national annual art exhibitions, the exemplary individual of the national press and publishing system, the expert special allowance issued by the State Council, the honorary curator of the Sino Italian Cultural Museum of Diplomatic Relations, the first batch of international Chinese artists, the world's most valuable artists with investment value and collection potential, the United Nations Literary and Art Publicity Ambassador, the doctoral supervisor of the Royal French Academy of Fine Arts, the world's top artists and other honors. At the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008, Youyuan edited a collection of 233 precious paintings by Chinese painters using golden nanmu as the main editor. Mr. Shen Peng, former chairman of the China Book Association, served as a consultant and titled the thread bound book "Danqing Liufang". In 2014, as a pioneer in Sino British art exchange, he was awarded the honorary title of "World Cultural Celebrity". In 2015, he was awarded the United Nations Special Contribution Award for Chinese Culture and was honored with the title of "United Nations Ambassador for the Promotion of Chinese Culture". In 2015, he was appointed as an honorary doctorate from the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and awarded the Royal Order of the North Star of Sweden. In 2017, he was appointed as the first artist and senior advisor of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK. The Mayor of Cambridge, UK, awarded the honorary title of 'Great Art Master of the Nation'. In 2018, he was appointed as a Senior Art Advisor and Doctor of Arts at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts. In 2019, he was appointed by the French Ministry of Culture as a Doctor of Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France, and was awarded the Knight of Arts and Literature and the honorary title of "World Hall of Fame Artist". In 2019, he was appointed as a lifelong academician of the French Royal Academy of Painting and awarded the Royal Medal of Honor. In 2019, he was appointed as a lifelong academician by the Roman Academy of Painting in Italy and the president of the Royal Academy of Arts in the United Kingdom. He was also awarded the honorary title of "Pioneer Ambassador of World Literary and Artistic Masters" by the World Federation of Cultural Circles. In 2021, won the Da Vinci International Art Gold Award. In 2022, the Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing. In collaboration with Jin Jiaxiang and Zhang Xiaojun, Xu Zhenshi's "The Land of China" will be presented as a commendation gift in Jingdezhen porcelain to VIPs from various countries. The original work will be made into a film and television landscape and exhibited in the international VIP channel of the Capital Airport for more than two months; Received the United Nations Peace Dove Award and was awarded the Lifetime Honorary Vice President of the United Nations established Peace Academy of Fine Arts; The joint exhibition of China, Japan, and South Korea was awarded the honorary president by the art academy and the honorary title of "People's Artist" by the state; The award-winning New Year painting work "The Prime Minister and the Shepherd Girl Lu Ju" collaborated with Zhao Youhua. At the request of France, the work was replicated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and presented to the Louvre Museum in France for international appreciation. Xu Zhenshi was awarded the title of Honorary Deputy Director of the Louvre Museum for life; In the year, the United Nations awarded the Grand National Rongting Art Award Gold Medal, awarded the United Nations Peace Medal, and appointed as the United Nations Ambassador for Literary and Artistic Promotion. On the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, awarded the honorary title of Ambassador for Cultural Exchange and one of the world's top ten literary and artistic leaders; The United Nations Peace Art Gold Award was awarded to the United Nations Special Envoy for a Culture of Peace, and the World Peace Academy of Fine Arts was appointed as the Honorary Dean for Life. In 2023, won the Jury Prize at the first United Nations International Arts Festival. 参展作品 徐震时作品《江山万里鹤翔云》 吴佩霖先生,自幼喜爱书画艺术。座右铭:寻找美、发现美、审视美、记录美、珍藏美、创造美、给心灵美的震撼。并身体力行,经常风歺露宿,爬山涉水,云游名山美景,拜师访友,还戏称自已是自助旅行专家。他常说:艺术作品是艺术家从灵魂深处走出的灵感,对宇宙空间万事万物的认知。他的作品往往是融抽象与写实为一体,熔梦幻与诗意于一炉,赋予极强的思想性和哲理思辨空间。 其作品经常被选送参加国内外大中小各种展览活动,被国内外众媒体宣传报道,深受名人名家和广大书画诗联爱好者、收藏家喜爱并收藏。还被载入纪念中国共产党建党 95 周年《颂歌献给党 . 全国诗词楹联名家作品选》一书中,并被评为一等奖,被中国当代文学研究会聘为《颂歌献给党•全国诗词楹联名家作品选》一书的特邀编委,授予“全国当代诗联名家”荣誉称号和奖杯。2022年被国际艺术家金马奖委员会授予“国际艺术家金马奖”。2023年被国际新闻网、中华联国际授予“”世界文化交流伟大贡献奖”。现受聘为央广国际艺术交流委员会委员,文化强国·首批央美艺术智库专家,世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长,世界艺术家联盟副主席。 Mr. Wu Peilin has had a passion for calligraphy and painting since childhood. Motto: Search for beauty, discover beauty, examine beauty, record beauty, cherish beauty, create beauty, and shock the soul with beauty. And he often leads by example, camping in the wind, climbing mountains and wading through water, enjoying the beautiful scenery of famous mountains, visiting teachers and friends, and jokingly calling himself an expert in self guided travel. He often said: Artworks are the inspiration that artists derive from the depths of their souls, and their understanding of everything in the universe and space. His works often blend abstraction and realism, blending dreams and poetry into one, endowing them with strong ideological and philosophical thinking space. His works are often selected to participate in various exhibitions and events at home and abroad, and are widely promoted and reported by domestic and foreign media. They are deeply loved and collected by celebrities, famous artists, calligraphy and painting enthusiasts, and collectors. It was also included in the book "Ode to the Party, Selected Works of National Famous Poets and Couplets" commemorating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, and was awarded the first prize. It was employed by the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association as a special editorial board member of the book "Ode to the Party, Selected Works of National Famous Poets and Couplets", and awarded the honorary title and trophy of "National Famous Poets and Couplets". In 2022, he was awarded the "International Artist Golden Horse Award" by the International Artist Golden Horse Awards Committee. In 2023, he was awarded the "Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange" by the International News Network and the China International Federation. I am currently employed as a member of the Central Radio International Art Exchange Committee, an expert in the first batch of Central American Art Think Tank for Cultural Power, Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, and Vice Chairman of the World Artists Union. 参展作品 吴佩霖作品《历史·呼唤和平》

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